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With Smart Lock, the LG smartphone can be unlocked automatically using the Wearer ID, so once unlocked and then put in your pocket, it will not need to be unlocked the next time you use it.

Note: Please note that the wearer identification does not recognize who is currently wearing the device!

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
On-body detection -  Open the  Settings
On-body detection -  Tap on  General
On-body detection -  Tap on  Lock screen & security
On-body detection -  Tap on  Secure lock settings
On-body detection -  Tap on  Smart Lock
On-body detection -  Enter  Password / PIN / Pattern
On-body detection -  Tap on  On-body detection
On-body detection -  Enable or Disable  On-body detection
On-body detection -  Confirm with  Continue
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Lock screen & security
  4. Tap on Secure lock settings
  5. Tap on Smart Lock
  6. Enter Password/PIN/Pattern
  7. Tap on On-body detection
  8. Enable or Disable On-body detection
  9. Confirm with Continue

LG Instructions
