The picture-in-picture feature on the OnePlus smartphone allows an app to lay over another app in a floating window or pop-up, for example, to continue playing a video over Netflix while you reply to a message.

Picture-in-picture access is allowed by default, but can be denied at any time.

Android 10 | OxygenOS 10.0
Picture-in-Picture -  Open the  Settings
Picture-in-Picture -  Tap on  Apps & notifications
Picture-in-Picture -  Tap on  Special app access
Picture-in-Picture -  Tap on  Picture-in-picture
Picture-in-Picture -  Choose an  app
Picture-in-Picture -  Enable or disable  Allow picture-in-picture
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on Apps & notifications
  3. Tap on Special app access
  4. Tap on Picture-in-picture
  5. Choose an app
  6. Enable or disable Allow picture-in-picture

OnePlus Instructions
