Similar to the word suggestions, we receive matching suggestions for emojis when a matching emoji is found for a word.

It is also sufficient to tap on the suggestion to insert it into the text already created on the OnePlus smartphone.

Depending on the user's wishes, the function can be turned on/off at any time.

Android 10 | OxygenOS 10.0
Show emoji suggestions -  Open the  Settings
Show emoji suggestions -  Tap on  System
Show emoji suggestions -  Tap on  Languages & input
Show emoji suggestions -  Tap on  Virtual keyboard
Show emoji suggestions -  Tap on  Gboard
Show emoji suggestions -  Tap on  Text correction
Show emoji suggestions -  Enable or disable  Show emoji suggestions
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on System
  3. Tap on Languages & input
  4. Tap on Virtual keyboard
  5. Tap on Gboard
  6. Tap on Text correction
  7. Enable or disable Show emoji suggestions

OnePlus Instructions
