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In order not to miss any dates or events, we can save them in the calendar app of the Xiaomi smartphone. Of course, we can give them a name, add guests, choose a location, set a repetition, and set the start and end time.
We can choose between the following categories:

Note: Depending on the device, the Google Calendar app is installed on the Xiaomi smartphone.

Android 11 | MIUI 12.0
How to Create Event in Calendar app - Tap on  Calendar
How to Create Event in Calendar app - Tap on  Add
How to Create Event in Calendar app - Choose  Goal ,  Reminder ,  Task  or  Event
How to Create Event in Calendar app - Add a  Title
How to Create Event in Calendar app - Set more  options
How to Create Event in Calendar app - Tap on  Save
  1. Tap on Calendar
  2. Tap on Add
  3. Choose Goal, Reminder, Task or Event
  4. Add a Title
  5. Set more options
  6. Tap on Save

Xiaomi Instructions
