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When creating a new alarm on your Huawei smartphone, it's easy to overlook the fact that you can set the respective alarm tone. You can change this any time.

Note: The alarm tone can be changed both when creating a new alarm time and when alarms have already been created. In this guide, we change the alarm tone for an existing alarm.


Android 10 | EMUI 10.0
Alarm tone -  Tap on the  clock
Alarm tone -  Tap on an  alarm
Alarm tone -  Tap on  Sound
Alarm tone -  Choose an  alarm tone
Alarm tone -  Tap on  back
Alarm tone -  Confirm with  save
  1. Tap on the clock
  2. Tap on an alarm
  3. Tap on Sound
  4. Choose an alarm tone
  5. Tap on back
  6. Confirm with save

Huawei Instructions
