To delete the cached pages of the browser, we simply navigate to the browser settings of the Huawei smartphone under the menu item Clear browsing data, to select Cached pages and simply tap the Clear data button.

Android 10 | EMUI 10.0
Clear browser cache -  Open the  Browser app
Clear browser cache -  Open the  menu
Clear browser cache -  Open the  Settings
Clear browser cache -  Tap on  Clear browsing data
Clear browser cache -  Select  Cached pages
Clear browser cache -  Tap on  Clear data
Clear browser cache -  Confirm with  Clear
  1. Open the Browser app
  2. Open the menu
  3. Open the Settings
  4. Tap on Clear browsing data
  5. Select Cached pages
  6. Tap on Clear data
  7. Confirm with Clear

Huawei Instructions
