To move a photo to an album, we open the respective folder or album on the Huawei smartphone and tap the Add icon. After selecting one or more photos to be moved, we are asked whether we want to copy or just move it to the album.

Android 10 | EMUI 10.0
Move photo to an album -  Open the  Gallery app
Move photo to an album -  Tap on  Albums
Move photo to an album -  Choose an  album
Move photo to an album -  Tap on  Add
Move photo to an album -  Choose  Camera  or an  album
Move photo to an album -  Select one or more  photos
Move photo to an album -  Tap on  Save
Move photo to an album -  Choose  Copy  or  Move
  1. Open the Gallery app
  2. Tap on Albums
  3. Choose an album
  4. Tap on Add
  5. Choose Camera or an album
  6. Select one or more photos
  7. Tap on Save
  8. Choose Copy or Move

Huawei Instructions
