Automatic capitalization automatically capitalizes the first character of each sentence, which is enabled by default on the LG smartphone and can be disabled if necessary.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Auto capitalise -  Open the  Settings
Auto capitalise -  Tap on  General
Auto capitalise -  Tap on  Language & keyboard
Auto capitalise -  Tap on  On-screen keyboard
Auto capitalise -  Tap on  LG Keyboard
Auto capitalise -  Tap on  Additional settings
Auto capitalise -  Enable or Disable  Auto-capitalization
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Language & keyboard
  4. Tap on On-screen keyboard
  5. Tap on LG Keyboard
  6. Tap on Additional settings
  7. Enable or Disable Auto-capitalization

LG Instructions
