By default, the SIM card on the LG device is named SIM card 1 and SIM card 2, and the SIM card name is displayed in different places on the phone, such as in the quick settings.

The name of the SIM card can be renamed as desired in the settings.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Display name of SIM card -  Open the  Settings
Display name of SIM card -  Tap on  Dual SIM Card
Display name of SIM card -  Tap on desired  SIM card
Display name of SIM card -  Tap on current  SIM card name
Display name of SIM card -  Enter new  name  and confirm with  OK
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on Dual SIM Card
  3. Tap on desired SIM card
  4. Tap on current SIM card name
  5. Enter new name and confirm with OK

LG Instructions
