Whether on the home screen or in the app overview, apps can be hidden/hidden on the LG device. In the home screen settings, apps that should not be visible can be selected. If you want them to be displayed again, you only have to remove them from the selection.

Note: With this function the shortcuts are simply hidden and the app is still visible in the settings or in other lists.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Hide Apps -  Tap and hold a free area on the  home screen
Hide Apps -  Tap on  Home screen settings
Hide Apps -  Tap on  Hide apps
Hide Apps -  Select all desired  Apps
Hide Apps -  Confirm with  Done
  1. Tap and hold a free area on the home screen
  2. Tap on Home screen settings
  3. Tap on Hide apps
  4. Select all desired Apps
  5. Confirm with Done

LG Instructions
