Personalized advertising has the advantage of displaying more relevant advertising, while for the "seller" it has the advantage of a higher purchase rate.

However, it has the disadvantage that each LG smartphone (and Google account) has a unique Advertising ID that is assigned to interests and usage. If this is not desired, the personalized advertising can be disabled in the settings.

Note: Disabling only turns off the personalized advertising. advertising, but will still be displayed.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Personalized Ads -  Open the  Settings
Personalized Ads -  Tap on  General
Personalized Ads -  Tap on  Google
Personalized Ads -  Tap on  Ads
Personalized Ads -  Enable or Disable  Opt out of Ads Personalization
Personalized Ads -  Confirm with  OK
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Google
  4. Tap on Ads
  5. Enable or Disable Opt out of Ads Personalization
  6. Confirm with OK

LG Instructions
