Reading aloud is a similar function to TalkBack, but it does not change the way the LG smartphone is operated. When Reading aloud is activated, an additional icon is displayed in the navigation bar. This can be used to switch reading aloud on or off. If activated, a screen area can be selected which is then read aloud.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Select to Speak -  Open the  Settings
Select to Speak -  Tap on  General
Select to Speak -  Tap on  Accessibility
Select to Speak -  Tap on  Select to Speak
Select to Speak -  Enable or Disable  Select to Speak
Select to Speak -  Confirm with  Turn on
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Accessibility
  4. Tap on Select to Speak
  5. Enable or Disable Select to Speak
  6. Confirm with Turn on

LG Instructions
