The LG smartphone gives us an option to change the timer sound. To change the sound, you need to open the timer settings, which can be done by opening the "Timer" tab in the clock app.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Timer Sound -  Open the  Clock -App
Timer Sound -  Tap on  Timer
Timer Sound -  Open the  Menu
Timer Sound -  Open the  Settings
Timer Sound -  Tap on  Timer sound
Timer Sound -  Choose between  Timer tone  and  Music
Timer Sound -  Choose between  Just once  and  Always
Timer Sound -  Choose desired  Timer tone
  1. Open the Clock-App
  2. Tap on Timer
  3. Open the Menu
  4. Open the Settings
  5. Tap on Timer sound
  6. Choose between Timer tone and Music
  7. Choose between Just once and Always
  8. Choose desired Timer tone

LG Instructions
