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The Google Play Store, in combination with the OnePus smartphone, keeps us up to date when new app updates are available.

In order not to have any disadvantages in the functionality or security of the apps, app updates can be loaded automatically.
Here you can choose whether the updates should be loaded over any network, which includes mobile data, or only over a WLAN connection.

Note: It is possible to turn on/off the automatic app updates at any time.

Android 10 | OxygenOS 10.0
Automatic app updates -  Open the  Play Store app
Automatic app updates -  Open the  menu
Automatic app updates -  Open the  Settings
Automatic app updates -  Tap on  Auto-update apps
Automatic app updates -  Choose  Over any network ,  Over Wi-Fi only  or  Don´t auto-update apps
Automatic app updates -  Confirm with  Done
  1. Open the Play Store app
  2. Open the menu
  3. Open the Settings
  4. Tap on Auto-update apps
  5. Choose Over any network, Over Wi-Fi only or Don´t auto-update apps
  6. Confirm with Done

OnePlus Instructions
