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If we have paired Bluetooth devices, such as laptops, tablets or other smartphones with the OnePlus smartphone, we can also share our own Internet connection.
To do this, we simply navigate to the Bluetooth settings of the paired device and authorize data use.
This method is similar to Bluetooth tethering, which also authorizes your own network connection.

Android 10 | OxygenOS 10.0
Share internet access -  Open the  Settings
Share internet access -  Tap on  Bluetooth & device connection
Share internet access -  Tap on  Bluetooth
Share internet access -  Open the device´s  settings
Share internet access -  Enable or disable  Internet access
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on Bluetooth & device connection
  3. Tap on Bluetooth
  4. Open the device´s settings
  5. Enable or disable Internet access

OnePlus Instructions
