On the LG device, the control bar (navigation bar) can be automatically hidden in selected apps, allowing apps to be launched in full screen mode.

To hide the navigation bar during use, simply wipe from the bottom of the screen to the top and the control bar will be displayed for 3 seconds before it disappears again.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Disable navigation bar in apps -  Open the  Settings
Disable navigation bar in apps -  Tap on  Display
Disable navigation bar in apps -  Tap on  Home touch buttons
Disable navigation bar in apps -  Tap on  Hide Home touch buttons
Disable navigation bar in apps -  Enable or Disable desired  app
Disable navigation bar in apps -  Confirm with  OK
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on Display
  3. Tap on Home touch buttons
  4. Tap on Hide Home touch buttons
  5. Enable or Disable desired app
  6. Confirm with OK

LG Instructions
