The OnePlus smartphone can automatically deactivate the personal Wi-Fi hotspot if no other devices such as laptops, tablets or smartphones are connected after 5 minutes to save battery power.

The automatic deactivation only takes effect if there is no device in the network of the personal hotspot. As long as at least one device is connected, it remains active.

Android 10 | OxygenOS 10.0
Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot automatically -  Open the  Settings
Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot automatically -  Tap on  Wi-Fi & network
Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot automatically -  Tap on  Hotspot & tethering
Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot automatically -  Tap on  Wi-Fi hotspot
Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot automatically -  Enable or disable  Turn off hotspot automatically
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on Wi-Fi & network
  3. Tap on Hotspot & tethering
  4. Tap on Wi-Fi hotspot
  5. Enable or disable Turn off hotspot automatically

OnePlus Instructions
