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If there is a connection to a Bluetooth headset or headphones, incoming calls can be answered automatically on the realme smartphone.

If automatic call answering is enabled, we can also set a delay after how many seconds the call should be accepted.

Android 11 | realme UI 2.0
How to Turn On/Off Automatic Call Answering - Tap on  Phone
How to Turn On/Off Automatic Call Answering - Open the  Menu
How to Turn On/Off Automatic Call Answering - Tap on  Settings
How to Turn On/Off Automatic Call Answering - Tap on  Calling accounts
How to Turn On/Off Automatic Call Answering - Tap on  Auto answer
How to Turn On/Off Automatic Call Answering - Enable or disable  Auto answer
How to Turn On/Off Automatic Call Answering - Set the  Delay
  1. Tap on Phone
  2. Open the Menu
  3. Tap on Settings
  4. Tap on Calling accounts
  5. Tap on Auto answer
  6. Enable or disable Auto answer
  7. Set the Delay

realme Instructions
