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The first time you connect using the USB cable, a pop-up window appears on the Samsung device to select the purpose of the USB connection, the selected setting is saved and will be selected again when you connect again.

Afterwards, the transfer mode can be changed via the notification field. The following options are available:

Note: To change the setting, the USB cable must be connected.

Android 11 | One UI 3.0
How to Change USB Connection Mode - Swipe  downwards  to open the Notification shade
How to Change USB Connection Mode - Tap on  Android System
How to Change USB Connection Mode - Tap on  USB for...
How to Change USB Connection Mode - Choose an  option
  1. Swipe downwards to open the Notification shade
  2. Tap on Android System
  3. Tap on USB for...
  4. Choose an option

Samsung Instructions
