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If you receive a notification on your Huawei smartphone, you will also be notified by a notification point. A small red dot is shown above the app, which should draw our attention to a new note. You have the choice of displaying a red dot or numbers.

Note: You can activate / deactivate this information individually for each app.

Android 10 | EMUI 10.0
Badge display mode -  Open the  settings
Badge display mode -  Tap on  Notifications
Badge display mode -  Tap on  App icon badges
Badge display mode -  Tap on  Badge display mode
Badge display mode -  Choose between  Numbers  or  Dots
  1. Open the settings
  2. Tap on Notifications
  3. Tap on App icon badges
  4. Tap on Badge display mode
  5. Choose between Numbers or Dots

Huawei Instructions
