Notifications are also displayed on the lock screen on the LG smartphone, and depending on the settings, content or other information can be displayed here for everyone to see.

Notifications on the lock screen can also be turned off completely on the LG device.

Android 9 | LG UX 9.0
Enable or Disable Notifications -  Open the  Settings
Enable or Disable Notifications -  Tap on  General
Enable or Disable Notifications -  Tap on  Apps & notifications
Enable or Disable Notifications -  Tap on  Notifications
Enable or Disable Notifications -  Tap on  Lock screen
Enable or Disable Notifications -  Choose between  Show all notifications ,  Hide sensitive notification content  and  Hide all notifications
  1. Open the Settings
  2. Tap on General
  3. Tap on Apps & notifications
  4. Tap on Notifications
  5. Tap on Lock screen
  6. Choose between Show all notificationsHide sensitive notification content and Hide all notifications

LG Instructions
