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After starting the Oppo smartphone, not only the operating system ColorOS (Android) is loaded, but also fixed apps, but too many apps with an "autostart" can make the device sluggish.

On the Oppo-Smartphone there is an autostart manager, with which apps can be defined quickly and easily, which are executed automatically in the background when the smartphone starts.

Android 11 | ColorOS 11.0
How to Allow/Deny Autostart of Apps - Tap on  Settings
How to Allow/Deny Autostart of Apps - Tap on  App management
How to Allow/Deny Autostart of Apps - Tap on  Auto-launch apps
How to Allow/Deny Autostart of Apps - Turn On/Off an  App
  1. Tap on Settings
  2. Tap on App management
  3. Tap on Auto-launch apps
  4. Turn On/Off an App

Oppo Instructions
