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If a local backup has been created on a storage medium, such as a memory card or hard drive or USB stick, it can be restored via the "External storage transfer" settings.
A local backup can be restored to any Samsung device and is not linked to a device.

Android 11 | One UI 3.0
How to Restore a Local backup - Tap on  Settings
How to Restore a Local backup - Tap on  Accounts and backup
How to Restore a Local backup - Tap on  External storage transfer
How to Restore a Local backup - Choose a  Backup
How to Restore a Local backup - Select the  Data  and tap  Restore
  1. Tap on Settings
  2. Tap on Accounts and backup
  3. Tap on External storage transfer
  4. Choose a Backup
  5. Select the Data and tap Restore

Samsung Instructions
