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One UI from Samsung allows its users to automatically switch WLAN on or off. When a new WLAN connection is established, the Samsung device saves the current location. If the location is visited frequently, WLAN is switched on if it is not already activated. If the location is left again, the Samsung device switches WLAN off again.

Android 11 | One UI 3.0
How to Turn on/off Wi-Fi automatically - Tap on  Settings
How to Turn on/off Wi-Fi automatically - Tap on  Connections
How to Turn on/off Wi-Fi automatically - Tap on  Wi-Fi
How to Turn on/off Wi-Fi automatically - Open the  Menu
How to Turn on/off Wi-Fi automatically - Tap on  Advanced
How to Turn on/off Wi-Fi automatically - Enable or disable  Turn on Wi-Fi automatically
  1. Tap on Settings
  2. Tap on Connections
  3. Tap on Wi-Fi
  4. Open the Menu
  5. Tap on Advanced
  6. Enable or disable Turn on Wi-Fi automatically

Samsung Instructions
